Attention Beauty Professionals: 

Phibright Nanoneedling Secret:Non-invasive Cosmetic Skin Care Scientifically Proven To Make Younger Glowing Skin, Smooth Out Wrinkles, Reduce Dark Spots, Reduce Large Pores, Smooth Stretchmarks and Scars… 

(And How this can help you Make $300 in 1 hour while creating happy and loyal monthly customers. )

Discover The New “Nanoneedling Secret” 

ANYONE Can Use To:

  • reduce dark spots
  • smooth out wrinkles
  • ​reduce pore size
  • ​brighten skin
  • ​smooth out stretch marks
  • ​promotes hair growth

From Jocelyn Tran,

Dear friend,
I would like to show you a nanoneedling secret proven to help your clients look younger and the GOOD NEWS is that this is a tender loving care for your skin and not a cover up procedure!

Look at this before and after picture (after picture was taken 3 weeks after first treatment)!


 I used brightenyl, an award winning cosmetic ingredient.

This is the only nanoneedling system in the world

 that can help you make younger glowing skin, smooth out wrinkles, reduce dark spots, large pores, stretchmarks, and scars…  most effectively because it addresses the problems inside the skin.

And This System can Help YOU:

Make $300 in 1 hour while creating happy and loyal monthly customers.

Induchem's R&D center, libragen, is one of the world’s leading centres in the genes technology.

In October 13th of 2015, they made a breakthrough discovery and innovation: “the creation of a new molecule called THBG: tri-hydroxy benzoic acid alpha glucoside (commercial name: Brightenyl). This creation is ASTONISHING!

Our body (specially our skin) lives in harmony with many tiny bacterias that are beneficial to us: called microbiote (it is a bunch of good bacterias that live on our skin).

And after looking at 40 billions of DNA of these “good bacterias”, they discovered that “these good bacterias” have genes of alpha-glucosidases (that can multiply effectiveness of cosmetics ingredients)

Therefore they created Brightenyl molecule

to use with our good friends bacterias to help (this is quote from Induchem's R&D center:

  • It captures UV induced free radicals (ROS)
  • It prevents UV-induced DNA damages
  • It reduces the expression of PGE2
  • ​It controls the Nf-kB pathway
  • ​It controls the expression of MITF
  • ​It saturates keratinocytes receptors for melanosomes
  • ​It blocks melanin synthesis even under UV conditions

What does all of this mean?

It means brightenyl is the “breakthrough” ingredient that can lighten dark spots, skin redness most effectively and safely

In fact, it won the award:

Take a look at these studies:

  • Result of this study shows that Brightenyl is a potent antioxidant 4 times better than Vitamin C and 8 times better than N acetyl Cysteine.
  • Result also shows that brightenyl restore our skin from UV rays damages.

Here's more research on Brightenyl:

Researchers used brightenyl on Korean women. After 84 days, this is their findings (quote):

“The volunteers have experienced a clear and visible evolution of the quality of their complexion with:

 BUT the REAL Problem is:

The real problem is that when you put even the best ingredient like brightenyl on TOP of the skin, you are wasting the ingredients because only a tiny percentage gets into the skin.

Don’t believe only me, believe these leading skin experts:

You see here that even you put creams that cost thousands of dollars on TOP of the skin, NOT MUCH is absorbed!

That’s why it doesn’t work effectively when you just put creams on top of the skin. 

 What we are using is totally different.

It’s a brand new way of treating the skin not outside the skin but actually inside the skin, into the epidermis.

I am talking about nanoneedling using brightenyl (making tiny punctures into skin to make brightenyl penetrate fully into the skin).

So brightenyl can work at its full potential.

And you will see a dramatic result.

Look at these results after only 1 treatment: (These are ABSOLUTELY NO PHOTOSHOP after picture was taken 3 weeks after first time)

This is news that Cosmetics companies don’t want us to know. Every year, they make billions selling anti aging creams that don't work. Here’s how much they made in 2018 alone:

With all of these profits, no wonder they keep nanoneedling in the dark.

Not to mention that there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

That’s why I’ve made my mission to reveal the TRUTH about cosmetics treatments: what works and what doesn’t work.

That's WHY...

Either you act now or you could miss the train.

Only those who get in early will have more customers, make your name known before your competitors.

Most people will be left out.

That is why I urge you to get in right now…

Get ahead of the crowd…

You see, when I first started doing nanoneedling in 2016 (with a different company),  I was trained to use only 3 different serums (1 for each skin type). 

But I felt that this was not customized enough for each client.

And because 1 client can have large pores, oil skin, wrinkles, dark spots, and some scars. How can using only 1 serum can treat all of the problems?

But I was NOT Satisfied with the results. ..

And I wanted MORE and BETTER for my clients.

When Phibright first came out in January of 2020, I jumped to the opportunity right away after I read the news about brightenyl. 

I tried Phibright nanoneedling technique on my clients and the results are AMAZING...

I am on a mission to help clients reverse anti aging, look more beautiful, younger and teaching other professionals how to do microneedling and use cosmetics the right way to achieve the most results.

My goal to help train other beauty professionals how to free their time, start a profitable nanoneedling business, and transform to successful beauty artists.

Infact, our team won The most prestigious award in beauty industry:  "Best Phibrows Master of the World" 

because we focus on students' success!

PHIBROWS Master of the world

How Does Nanoneedling Phibright System Work?

Do you know why cosmetic treatments in a doctor’s office are more costly and more effective? 

That is because the way in which top doctors perform microneedling treatments differs from cosmetologists and estheticians performing nanoneedling in three ways:

#1:  Top doctors can perfrom a technique called Microneedling. 

According to most states in the US, only doctors can be able to perform microneedling treatment. This is quote from the board of barbering and cosmetology (quote): 

                "The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (Board) does not approve or regulate
equipment or products used in the barbering and beauty industry.  Consequently, the
Board provides no opinion on the contemplated use of any machine a licensee is
considering purchasing. "


                " The Board’s regulations specifically prohibit invasive
procedures which results in the removal, destruction, incision, or piercing of a client’s
skin beyond the epidermis or the application of electricity which visibly contracts the
muscle (Title 16, California Code of Regulations, section 991.) Licensed cosmetologists
and estheticians are cautioned not to engage in any invasive procedures."

What that means is that estheticians and cosmetologists can only perform services within the scope of the epidermis and cannot go deeper than that. 

#2  Top doctors prepare the serums (ingredients for microneedling treatment) for each individual client according to the condition of the face and skin problems. 

They also use far higher quality and number of serums (ingredients) in comparison to cosmeticians who only mix a few serums in a very superficial manner.

#3  And top doctors use over 30 ingredients to make one out of 100 combinations 

intended for that particular client. There are no universal one size fit all solutions. Cosmetologists and estheticians do not have enough knowledge to do this.


What if we can combine all knowledge of skin into a software app?

The app can be able to identify the exact conditions of a client's skin and suggest a serum mixture solution to help with all of the conditions? (it is like using a calculator to get the result of a math problem in 3 seconds)

PHI Bright represents a software (PhiBright Calculator) which calculates one of the possible 1200 combinations in less than 3 seconds, depending on:

  • ​level of acne...
  • level of dark spots...
  • level of wrinkles and how deep they are...
  • level of ​scars...
  • ​level of  pores….

Therefore, by using Phibright system, you are able to create a personalized serum that directly addresses the problems each client has, including even external and internal factors. 

Nanoneedling Phibright vs. Microneedling

Phibright Nanoneedling 

  • ​NOT a medical procedure (doesn't enter the dermal layer of skin)
  • ​works in upper layers of epidermis
  • ​non invasive
  • Nano channels into the epidermis to help brightenyl get absorbed into skin better and multiply the effectiveness of brightenyl and other good skin nutrients for the beautification of skin.
  • uses microscopic nano tips (not needle) that are thinner than a human hair
  • stimulates skin to produce collagen and elastin to make skin look younger and firmer.
  • smooth out wrinkles, reduce dark spots, reduce large pores, reduce stretchmarks, and reduce appearance of scars
  • ​Serum mixture is calculated by Phibright calculator to custom to each different client.   This plus the use of brightenyl will help serum penetrate into the skin better thus multiply the results.


  • ​Medical procedure (have to be done in a doctor office by doctors in most states)
  • Create micro-injuries for wound healing response 
  • invasive procedure, enter the dermal layer of skin (dermis)
  • Needle depth .25mm to 2.5mm – from 11 to 36 needles
  • stimulates skin to produce collagen and elastin to make skin look younger and firmer.
  • ​Treats deeper acne scars, deep stretch marks, deep wrinkles

What You're Gonna To GET with The Nanoneedling Phibright System:

#1: Choose Starter Course Or Premium Course

PREMIUM COURSE has everything in Starter Course Plus:

  • ​First Class Service Course
  • ​Simplicity Master Machine (Value $900)
  • ​1 Box of Reveo Tri-M (2.0) nanoneedling needles for Simplicity Machine (Value $110)

#2: Work On Models In Live Course

  • Hands On Practice Phibright Nanoneedling Works On Models
  • ​See the before/after Results Instantly
  • ​Feel Confident Right After Course
  • ​Do not need to HAVE Talent or artistic skills

#3: 3 Months of Advanced Online Training 

  • ​3 months Online Training So You can master Nanoneedling Skill
  • Access to all the videos with simple step by step process that are broken down that will show you exactly how to do nanoneedling so you can practice anytime you like at home.
  • ​Hands-on feedback on assignments which I will personally evaluate and give you feedback on so you can master your nanoneedling skills.
  • ​You can ask me direct questions in a private on this app
  • ​​Here we strengthen your weak areas, anything you need to get going. So there's no way you can fail!
  • ​Phidoctors available on the app to answer any questions about your concerns about nanoneedling and skin problems.

#4: Reveive Phibright Kit

Receive Phibright Nanoneedling Starter or Premium Kit Depending On The Course That You Choose.  Serums in kit can be used for 42 clients.

#5: Receive Phibright Serum Calculator App 

PHI Bright represents a software (PhiBright Calculator) which calculates one of the possible 1200 combinations in less than 3 seconds, depending on:
  • ​level of acne...
  • level of dark spots...
  • level of wrinkles and how deep they are...
  • level of ​scars...
  • ​level of  pores….


  • Smooths out  Sketchmarks
  • ​Reduce sScars
  • ​Brightens Skin


  • ​HEAD Bald Spots
  • ​Stimulates Hair Growth
  • ​Alopecia

Ready to Change Your Life? 

If So, Then NOW Is The Time To Take Action!
Here's What You Need To Do Right Now:

Choose A Location and Date Most Convenient for You and Click to Register


Phibright san jose

March 23SAN JOSE, CA




April 20TAMPA, FL


 It's Your Decision...

Look, you have seen how you could have made $300 in 1 hour while creating happy and loyal monthly customers .These customers repeatedly pay you $300 every time they have this skincare procedure and and this can be really addicting. 

Most of my clients  book 3 procedures then wait a couple months to have 3 more procedures and you can charge $300 for every procedure. Imagine how much you can make from just 1 customer! This is INSANE when you do the math.

 This is really addicting like Botox because it works.

Now it is time for you to make the decision.

The way I see it you have 3 options:

Option #1:  Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now

If you are already making good money and happy where you are, you don’t need to learn anything more.
Then maybe you don’t need to register for this Phibright Nanoneedling Sytem. 

But if you want to advance your beauty career and make insane amount of money while changing so many women’s lives, that leaves you with two other options:

Option #2:  Do it yourself

You can spend countless hours watching thousands of Youtube videos everyday trying to learn bits and pieces here and there…

Then try to experiment yourself to see which trick works or which tool is better…

And hope that you will pick up the right one..

If you are willing to work hard everyday with doctors to come up with which serum will work with which skin type and spend hours watching youtube, you might be able to pull this off.

Option #3:  Let me do the heavy lifting for you. I’ll put my proven Phibright Nanoneedling system to work for you.

All you have to do is to attend the Phibright Nanoneedling system training and see for yourself how you can be able to become a true beauty professional. Learn the tools and tricks to make most effective nanoneedling while producing amazing results for your customers.  

Of these 3 options, ask yourself…

What’s going to be easier for you?

You see , there are 2 types of people in the world…

Those who only dream about the future without ever taking any action to make their dream come true…
And those who are willing to take action when the opportunity is available.

Since you have watched my presentation so far, you’re one of the special few ones who are ready to take action…

If I am right and you are still with me, click the button below to register for the Phibright Nanoneedling system:

See What Our Students Have to Say


The Decision is Now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time of this live course?
Registration will start at  8:30 am.  Course begins from 9am-5pm.  
Can anyone take this course?
You need to have one of these to be able to take this course:
You need to have these licenses:
1. Have Cosmetology License 
2. Have Esthetician Licesene or Facial License 

If you are a doctor, you can take this course too but you are allowed to use the microneedling needles instead of nanoneedling tips.

I am a beginner and has no experience in nanoneedling. Can I attend?
Our training program is designed for students have no experience in nanoneedling.
Can I Bring My Own Models?
What is the location for the event??
After You register, we will add you to our Viber group and will send location and info there.


3900 N. Causeway Blvd., Suite 1200, Metairie, Louisiana, 70002

Office Phone Number:
(504) 303-8107


Microblading Course
Phicontour Course
Powder Brows Course
Phibrows Products


Main Office: 559-394-8342
Khang: 1-408-649-0051
Judy: 1-669-213-7625
Danny: 1-559-391-7996
Main Office: 559-394-8342

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